Mass Deploy RapidIdentity MFA
To mass deploy RapidIdentity MFA, first create or alter a group policy object that can target all computers meant to receive the RapidIdentity client. Then:
Use the group policy object to push a Trusted Publisher certificate to the computers.
Use the group policy object to alter the PowerShell Execution-Policy of the computer to AllSigned.
Use the group policy object to add the install script to the startup scripts.
The script will check if RapidIdentity is installed, and install RapidIdentity if not. Then the script will delete the installer files and itself. The RapidIdentity Support team would need to sign their script with a code signing certificate generated from your environment/CA, or could use one of theirs.
Local Share Folder Setup Script
This is most common, and is quicker to move files.
<# Last updated 07/07/2020 #> clear Write-Output '============= Downloading Files for RapidIdentity =============' [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "tls12, tls11, tls" $path = 'C:\2FAInstaller' if(Test-Path -Path $path) { Write-Output '1. Temporary 2FA Directory Already Created' } $sharePath = "\\\shareFolder\Identity Automation\2FAInstallerFiles\" $destPath = "C:\2FAInstaller\" Copy-Item -Path "$sharePath\*" -Destination "$destPath"-Recurse -force -Verbose C:\2FAInstaller\setup.exe /s /f1C:\2FAInstaller\setup.iss Write-Output '========================= END =================================' Write-Output 'Please leave the machine on for at least another 15 mins while MFA installs in the background' PAUSE
Updated Install Script
## RapidIdentity Install Powershell Script <# Last updated 08/24/2020 #> ## Set ServiceURL for RapidIdentity $serviceURL = '' ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function Get-InstalledApplication { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter( Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true )] [String[]]$ComputerName=$ENV:COMPUTERNAME, [Parameter(Position=1)] [String[]]$Properties, [Parameter(Position=2)] [String]$IdentifyingNumber, [Parameter(Position=3)] [String]$Name, [Parameter(Position=4)] [String]$Publisher ) Begin{ Function IsCpuX86 ([Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]$hklmHive){ $regPath='SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment' $key=$hklmHive.OpenSubKey($regPath) $cpuArch=$key.GetValue('PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE') if($cpuArch -eq 'x86'){ return $true }else{ return $false } } } Process{ foreach($computer in $computerName){ $regPath = @( 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall', 'SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall' ) Try{ $hive=[Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey( [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive]::LocalMachine, $computer ) if(!$hive){ continue } # if CPU is x86 do not query for Wow6432Node if($IsCpuX86){ $regPath=$regPath[0] } foreach($path in $regPath){ $key=$hive.OpenSubKey($path) if(!$key){ continue } foreach($subKey in $key.GetSubKeyNames()){ $subKeyObj=$null if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('IdentifyingNumber')){ if($subKey -ne $IdentifyingNumber -and $subkey.TrimStart('{').TrimEnd('}') -ne $IdentifyingNumber){ continue } } $subKeyObj=$key.OpenSubKey($subKey) if(!$subKeyObj){ continue } $outHash=New-Object -TypeName Collections.Hashtable $appName=[String]::Empty $appName=($subKeyObj.GetValue('DisplayName')) if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Name')){ if($appName -notlike $name){ continue } } if($appName){ if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Properties')){ if($Properties -eq '*'){ foreach($keyName in ($hive.OpenSubKey("$path\$subKey")).GetValueNames()){ Try{ $value=$subKeyObj.GetValue($keyName) if($value){ $outHash.$keyName=$value } }Catch{ Write-Warning "Subkey: [$subkey]: $($_.Exception.Message)" continue } } }else{ foreach ($prop in $Properties){ $outHash.$prop=($hive.OpenSubKey("$path\$subKey")).GetValue($prop) } } } $outHash.Name=$appName $outHash.IdentifyingNumber=$subKey $outHash.Publisher=$subKeyObj.GetValue('Publisher') if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Publisher')){ if($outHash.Publisher -notlike $Publisher){ continue } } $outHash.ComputerName=$computer $outHash.Path=$subKeyObj.ToString() New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $outHash } } } }Catch{ Write-Error $_ } } } End{} } Write-Output '' Write-Output '============= Listing Installed RapidId Apps ==================' $rapidApps = Get-InstalledApplication -Publisher 'Identity Automation, LP' for ($i = 0; $i -lt $rapidApps.Length; $i++) { $rapidApps[$i].Name } #If two are installed than RI is installed, isInstalled = True $isInstalled = $rapidApps.Count -ge 2 Write-Output '' if ($isInstalled) { write-host("--> RapidIdentity Is Already Installed") } else { write-host("--> RapidIdentity Is NOT Installed") write-Output '============= Check if dotNet is Installed v3.5 =============' $dotNetInfo = get-childitem -path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP" | Where-Object -FilterScript {$ -match "v3.5"} if ($dotNetInfo.PSChildName -eq 'v3.5') { Write-Output 'dotNet v3.5 is Already Downloaded' Start-Sleep 5 } else { Write-Output 'dotNet v3.5 is Now Installing' Start-Job -Name InstallDotNet -ScriptBlock { DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 /All } Wait-Job -Name InstallDotNet Start-Sleep 5 } write-Output '============= Downloading Files for RapidIdentity =============' [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "tls12, tls11, tls" $path = 'C:\2FAInstaller' if (Test-Path -Path $path) { Write-Output 'Temporary 2FA Directory Already Exists' } else { New-Item -Path 'C:\2FAInstaller' -ItemType Directory Write-Output 'Temporary 2FA Directory Created' Start-Sleep 5 } # This can be used to download from a local share # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # $sharePath = "\\\shareFolder\Identity Automation\2FAInstallerFiles\" # $destPath = "C:\2FAInstaller\" # Copy-Item -Path "$sharePath\*" -Destination "$destPath"-Recurse -force -Verbose $zipFile = 'C:\2FAInstaller\' if (Test-Path -Path $zipFile) { Write-Output 'Installer Zip is Already Downloaded' Expand-Archive -LiteralPath "C:\2FAInstaller\" -DestinationPath "C:\2FAInstaller" -Force Start-Sleep 5 } else { Start-Job -Name WebReq -ScriptBlock { Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "C:\2FAInstaller\" } Wait-Job -Name WebReq Expand-Archive -LiteralPath "C:\2FAInstaller\" -DestinationPath "C:\2FAInstaller" -Force Start-Sleep 5 } Do { $date = date $msg = "Please wait while MFA installs in the background: $date" Write-Output $msg Start-Process -FilePath reg -ArgumentList 'import C:\2FAInstaller\UseStrongCrypto.reg' -NoNewWindow Clear-Content -Path "C:\2FAInstaller\settings.ini" $text1 = '[CustomSettings]' $text2 = 'ServiceURL=' + $serviceURL $text1 | Out-File 'C:\2FAInstaller\settings.ini' -Append $text2 | Out-File 'C:\2FAInstaller\settings.ini' -Append C:\2FAInstaller\setup.exe /s /f1C:\2FAInstaller\setup.iss $rapidApps = Get-InstalledApplication -Publisher 'Identity Automation, LP' $isInstalled = $rapidApps.Count -ge 2 #$sleepyTime = (Start-Sleep -Seconds 60).id #Wait-Process -Id $sleepyTime Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 } While ($isInstalled -eq $false) Write-Output '========================= END =================================' Write-Output 'MFA is installed' #PAUSE }