MFA Guides

Computer Policies

RapidIdentity Server supports the central management of computer policies.

Policies may be configured at the Domain or Organizational Unit (OU) level, or on a specified computer.

The definable policies are summarized in the table below.

Table 37. computer policies



Logon Experience

Logon Experience allows administrators to manage which tiles are available for use on computers for a specified domain, OU, or a single computer.

Emergency Access

Emergency Access allows administrators to manage which Emergency Access sub- options are available to users following successfully providing answers to their questions.


Sounds allows administrators to enable or disable RapidIdentity Client generated sounds on computers for a specified domain, OU, or a single computer.

Tray Icon

Tray Icon allows administrators to enable or disable the RapidIdentity Client taskbar tray icon on computers for a specified domain, OU, or a single computer.

Service URL

Service URL allows administrators to enable or disable (administrators) from setting the Service URL within RapidIdentity Client on computers for a specified domain, OU, or a single computer.

Splash Screen

Splash Screen allows administrators to enable or disable the blue “Please wait… Operation in progress” splash screen appears on computers for a specified domain, OU, or a single computer.

Enrollment Station

Enrollment Station allows administrators to enable or disable if computers are designated as Enrollment Stations within a domain, OU, or a single computer.

Log Level

Log Level allows administrators to enable or disable the Log on computers for a specified domain, OU, or a single computer.

Suppress UI

Suppress UI allows administrators to enable or disable the use of the RapidIdentity Client application UI on computers for a specified domain, OU, or a single computer.

Suppress GINA Logo

Suppress GINA Loga allows administrators to enable or disable the appearance of the HID logo within the Logon Experience on computers for a specified domain, OU, or a single computer.